JRRanch Charlie  X  Conquest Rival
pups born July 19 , 2015
Last updated : September 16, 2015

Conquest Rival
JRRanch Charlie
July 19, 2015
Charly had 2 boys and 2 girls today. Mom and pups are doing fine.
Thanks again to Dr Woodley for getting us through a tough birthing. Without his help we could have lost the whole litter. 
One boy and girl weighed 6oz and the other 2 weighed 4oz. All the pups are active and feeding well. We weigh them every day to make sure they are progressing well. 
The thumbnail pictures on the right can be clicked on to see the larger version. 

July 21, 2015
The pups are all eating well and they have all gained almost 2oz.
At this stage all they do is eat and sleep. They crawl on their bellies to find Mom when they are hungry.
Their eyelids are not open yet and they can't hear. They will open their eyes at about 2 weeks followed by their ability to hear.
Tomorrow we will do their tails and dew claws. 

Check out the Puppy Cam by clicking here. It will be on whenever our internet has the capability.

You will see on the Puppy Cam page on the right their are videos made previously. If the camera is not live you can watch those.

July 28, 2015
The pups were 1 week old Sunday and they are all progressing very well and gaining weight steadily.
The are not very active yet as all they do is eat and sleep. This weekend they will likely get their eyesight and that is followed by increased mobility and more standing up and waddling around.
Into their third week things start to get exciting as they develop their skills and personalities. Thats also when Mom needs our help with latrine duty as they begin to do their business without her urging and its quite a chore to keep up with them.

July 31, 2015
Steady progress. Just eating sleeping and getting fat. Still a couple of days away from complete eyesight. Greater time between eating episodes and a bit more belly crawling around. 
Mom is doing a great job and keeping the whelping pen cleaned up.
We will take the blanket box out soon. As soon as their heads will no longer get through the pen it is time to remove their containment. They will be free to roam all over the whelping pen and this will provide more exercise for them.

Aug 9, 2015
The pups are 3 weeks old today.
They are getting more mobile and more vocal now that they can hear. They will soon burn off some of the baby fat as they get more exercise.
This week we will take them on their first trip out of the whelping pen. They will get a chance to explore the living room.

Aug 10, 2015
The last 4 pictures are from their first trip out of the whelping pen. They will do this for a few days and then will be ready for their x-pen in the kitchen.
Aug 13, 2015
The pups have been going for trips to the living room 2-3 times a day and are starting to be more comfortable with it and are starting to explore. In a couple of days they will be ready for more time in the x-pen in the kitchen.
Aug 16, 2015
The pups have graduated to the x-pen in the kitchen for trips from their whelping pen. We like them to get used to the noises and activity around them. They start with an hour at a time and it will increase every day.
Aug 17, 2015
Today we introduced the pups to the outside. They immediately did their business so potty training should be easy with this litter. Only a few minutes the first trips but as their stamina and confidence builds we will take them for longer walks down the farm lane and into the fields.
Aug 20, 2015
​The pups are spending the whole day in the x-pen in the kitchen. Right after their meals and every 2-3 hours we take them outside to do their business and run around. They are getting more active outside and will soon be going for long walks down the lane. When they get back inside they play for a bit then crash as in the last photo.
Aug 27-31, 2015
The first 6 pictures were taken Aug 27 and the pups are beginning to take longer walks.Still sticking close at this point but getting more athletic.
Aug 30 the pups got a visit from Ellie to see her new brother. At this stage the pups are spreading out and exploring more.
Aug 31 we took Charly for a walk with her pups since she has almost dried up. The pups still wanted to nurse but Charly dodged them mostly. 
The pups are being fed in separate bowls now and in a day or two will be spending the night in their crates. We will pair them up for a few nights and then alone for the last week they are here. So by the time they are ready to go to their new homes they will be crate trained and almost potty trained as well.

Sep 6-10, 2015
The kids and grand kids visit every Sunday to give the pups lots of socialization. The pups love it and so do the kids.

The pups have been sleeping alone in their crates for 3 nights now and they are doing great. The first couple of nights Mrs. JRRanch had to get up at 2am to let them out for a p&p but last night they slept right through. We put them to bed about 11pm and they wake up just before 6am. They will be able to lengthen this as their bladders develop

Mom is great with them on their walks and she leads them around and dodges their attempts at feeding.

The first 2 pups will be going to their new homes this weekend. We will miss them but know they are going to great homes and they will get more love and attention there.
September 16, 2015
Good luck little ones we will miss you.
The two girls have gone to their new homes and the boys go this weekend. It has been a lot of fun having this litter. These pups have all been very well behaved and are going home crate trained and almost potty trained.