JRRanch DeeDee & White Phantom Baku
puppies born December 26 2001
Here's DeeDee's pups 12/27/01 when they are 1 day old. They haven't gained weight yet but that's not from lack of trying. Mom is doing great and is very laid back about the whole thing. The pups on the other hand are really getting into their task of non stop eating with a passion.
These were taken 01/02/02 and the pups are a week old. The result of their non stop eating is becoming apparent on their chubby little bodies. Sorry I can't get a picture where you can tell who's who. Two seconds before these pictures were taken they were nicely stacked side by each and by the time I got the picture taken this is the result. I'll get these little squirmers next week in individual shots even if I have to hold them.
These pictures were taken Jan10, 2002. They are 15 days old now. Their eyes haven't opened yet but they are hinting at it. The pups are gaining steadily with the smallest (brown head above) being 15 oz and the largest to his left at 19 oz. When their eyes open they will get more mobile and really start navigating their whelping pen.
Last updated on: April 30, 2008
Here are pictures of DeeDee's pups taking their first steps outside the whelping pen. These were taken Jan 17 so they are now 3 weeks old. Their eyes opened a few days ago and they can hear now. They are starting to play with each other and walking (trying to run but not quite getting it yet). The next week will be the most interesting in their development as they become fully mobile and interact with their siblings. So far they look like a pretty laid back bunch of boys.