JRRanch Tennile  x  Conquest Omen
pups born October 25 2004
Page updated: April 30, 2008
JRRanch Tennile was born here Sept 18 2002. She is a Bristle pup and her father is JRRanch Woodleigh.
Conquest Omen was born here Sept 9 2001. He is a Mystery pup and his father is The Hollow York.
Pictures taken Nov30/04. The pups are 5 weeks old here and already showing lots of confidence. The minute we put them down on the floor they tore around looking for trouble in all the right places. There are 3 girls and 1 boy. The boy is a bit larger than the girls and quite a bit larger than the tiny smooth girl. He is in the top middle picture. The small smooth girl is top right. The other 2 girls have longer coats.
Pictures Dec 8/04. The first decent day since these little guys joined us and we all went for a walk. It was still a bit wet and cold but they stepped out like little troopers. After about 10 minutes they started to shake so we went back in to their kitchen area. They are growing fast but the two little girls are going to be the smallest we have raised but the cutest little bundles.
We put up our Christmas tree today so it was only fair that we decorate the Cookie Tree as well. The first picture is before the pups were let out. The next pictures are of the frenzied assault on the Cookie Tree. It took a minute for them to get to the last few on the top. Then some were looking for more while a couple felt it was too cold out for any sane puppy and just couldn't wait to get back inside. Dec 15/04