Page was updated: April 30, 2008
JRRanch Jazzmina  x  JRRanch Zachary
pups born Aug 2, 2002
These pictures were taken a few hours after they were born. Jazz looks worn out here but she was up all night and delivered six lovely pups. If you think she looks bad you should have seen us after the ordeal. Their birth weight was between 7.5 and 8.5 oz. So far the dads colour is coming thru strong as three are b&w and 3 are tri colour.
These pictures were taken at 8 days old. They are out of focus but I noticed it too late so these will have to do for now. The two boys are on the left and the four girls are in the two pictures above. Their weights at day 8 was between 17 and 20 oz. I am posting these pictures on Aug 15 and all the pups have their eyes open now. I will get some more pictures this weekend so check back and follow their progress
These pictures were taken Aug 22. This is their first time out of the whelping pen so they are a bit overwhelmed. The 4 girls are in the top 2 pictures and the 2 boys are in the picture above left. The whole group are in the pic above right. In the group picture the two boys are bottom centre and upper right. Three of the pups are black and white and three are tri colour. The big boy is 37oz, the small girl is 30oz and the rest are 33oz.
They are at the growly play stage now and just beginning to get coordinated. This is the fun time to watch them grow and see personalities develop. In the next week I expect we will have a tough time keeping them still enough for pictures.
The pictures above and right were taken Sept 4, 2002. Above, our grandson Trenton and his pal Uncle Petey keep an eye on the pups. On the right they are following Mrs JRRanch on their long walk down the driveway. And further right our cat Lion is getting into the act again. The picture below was taken Sept 16. They love their wagon rides.
The picture below was taken the next day. We call this mass transit system the Pupmobile. They love it. Every morning they take this ride out to their big kennel under the trees and each evening they take the ride back to get their supper. We also use it to take them out to the field to start their walk because it is almost impossible to get them all going in the same direction near the house. By now they are seasoned travelers in the Pupmobile and look like a bunch of bored commuters in the latest picture. Thats Zeke and Zeus on the left, Zoe and Zinger in the middle and Zelda and Zattitude on the right.