Little Eden Flicker  x  JRRanch Zachary
pups born May 2, 2004
Flicker had her pups this morning a couple of days ahead of schedule. She had 2 boys and 1 girl. The small boy and the girl popped out very easily but the big boy took a long time and a lot of effort. Mom and pups came through just fine. We will have to call the big one Zeke after his daddy. In the picture below he is in the middle. Mom is doing a fine job as usual. She is a little cranky about us touching her pups right now but she will mellow out as soon as her hormones relax. She is normally a real sweetheart and we expect her pups will have the same temperament.
Last updated : April 30, 2008
Pictures taken May 12/04. Flickers pups have really grown in the last 3 days. Their eyes are not open yet but looks like it will happen in the next couple of days. Here the little girl and then the little boy take turns sleeping on the big boy.
Pictures taken May 16/04. Their eyes are open now and they are starting to waddle around their pen. They are really laid back pups a couple went right to sleep in Mrs JRRanch's hands seconds after picking them up.
These pictures were taken May 30/04. They have been stepping out for a few days now. They are roaming around now but still a little amazed at the world outside their whelping pen. Over the next couple of days they will start running about and really getting into trouble. They are only out for a few minutes at a time now but this will get longer next week. We will start feeding them a bit of puppy food soon and the weaning process will begin.