JRRanch Emmylou  x  The Hollow Cadence
pups born April 3 2004

Updated : April 30, 2008
Emmylou had her pups last night. SEVEN of them. Four girls and three boys all weighing aroung 7.5 ounces. Mom was beat after the ordeal but she did an excellent job especially considering it was her first time. These pictures were taken the next day after mom got some very needed rest. The head shots were taken at 2 days old. The 3 boys are together and 2 pairs of girls.

These pictures were taken at 7 days old. They are all growing steadily and thank goodness mom has lots of milk for this crowd. Their eyes wiil be open next week and then we will be in for some entertainment watching all these pups playing in their whelping pen.
The puppies are 2 weeks old today. Their eyes are opening and some are starting to walk now. In a couple of days they will be really active and the fun begins.
Pictures taken April 22/04 their eyes are open and they are beginning to hear. The 4 girls are on the top and the 3 boys are on the right. Mrs JRRanch woke them from a nap so a few just wanted to go back to sleep. The girl on the left had her eyes open first and she is the instigator of play so far. In a day or two they will all get into the act and it should be pretty interesting with this many puppies trying to sort out who is the boss.
These pictures were taken April 27/04. This is their 2nd meal of the day at the trough. They have just started on solid food and in about a week will be weaned from mom. She can use the break. The picture on the left is at the start when they are all really digging in. The second picture shows a few backing off after getting their fill and the third picture is of the cleanup crew.
Went a little crazy with the pictures today May 4/04. This is their trip to the kitchen to get some extra socializing and change of scenery. They are all a bit afraid on their first trip but  as you can see here they quickly become accustomed to new surroundings. These kids are about 4.5 weeks old now. They last about 15 minutes before they need a rest. We put their lumpy bed into the pen and eventually they all hit the hay. Next week we will put this litter with the Tickle litter for their kitchen visit. It will be fun to watch them react to new individuals.
These were taken May 7/04. Emmylou and Tickle pups are together for the first time. Our original JR Sadie is in the background in the picture on the right. She loves to play with every litter. More pictures of this outing in Tickle's page.
It was such a beautiful day monday we couldn't resist taking the pups for their first outdoor trek. On the left is the pupmobile that we use to get the puppies past all the distractions around the house. On the right is uncle Pete keeping his eye on all the pups. Uncle Pete comes on all the puppy walks and helps train the pups to come when called and if one falls behind he herds it back with the bunch.
Pictures taken over the last couple of days. Tried to get individual shots but it was tough to get them to stand still for 2 seconds.